I'm a Viennese girl living in Split... and I'm a cakenista...
Plunge into the fascinating world of cakes with me...

Click! -for more information

Sunday, December 25, 2011


A barrel of X-Mas cookies...

This year I made a huge amount of Christmas Cookies for clients... nearly 30 kilos...so many, that I really was tired of making any more cookies and really happy when I was finished... I wasn´t even interested in eating some at Christmas Eve...


My favourite cookies are Viennese Vanilla Crescents. 

I made them according to a very, very, very old Viennese recipe.

I love them so much, that I would like to share the recipe with you. The secret is on one side to use margarine and not butter, because butter has a too high taste of it´s one and on the other side to use walnuts instead of hazelnuts. To get this crumbliness, which is typically for the Original Viennese Vanilla Crescents, you need to use a recipe without any eggs.   

Viennese Vanilla Crescents Old Viennese Style
  • 280 g soft margarine 
  • 140 g granulated sugar
  • 400 g all-purpose flour 
  • 125 g chopped walnuts
  • 2 packets of vanilla sugar 
  • ~100 g of confectioners sugar 
Preheat oven to 170°C.
In a mixing bowl, beat together margarine, granulated sugar, 1 pack of vanilla sugar and chopped walnuts, mix in flour. Mix shortly and finsih the dough with kneading by hand.
Shape dough into crescents using a teaspoon full for each crescent. Place on an ungreased cookie sheet and bake 10-12 minutes. Do not brown.
Let cool slightly, then roll cookies in a mix of confectioners sugar and the remaining vanille sugar. 

Because of having that good reviews of these crescents, I made small Christmas-Packages with small Gugelhupfs and these delicious crescents... 

X-Mas gift for steady customers

along these lines, 
I wish you all a sweet merry Christmas

Sunday, November 20, 2011


In my opinion the cake-world is a girl's world... 

Certainly I've done a lot of cakes for boys/men, but they get orderd mainly by women... -so again girls join the game...

In the following case, a young man orderd this cake... with this cake, he wants to make a marriage proposal... how cuuuute...

Women always know, what the want! How the cake has to look like, how it has to taste.... how this, how that,... For men it's much more difficult... so it takes a little bit longer than normal, but at the end we had an answer: 
There was no way to having these classical marriage proposal cake-stuff, like hearts, ring-cases, roses,...aso.  

The finally idea was a couple (he and his hopefully future wife) sitting on a couch and watching TV. On the TV is written: "Marry me!"

So, I really loved this idea and I was able to play a little bit with the decoration, because there were no other instructions... 

The result was funny and the client was satisfied at all, although he was a little bit nervous, when we delivered the cake, because he was in the thick of preparations for the proposal... 

To cut the long story, here are the pictures: 




I really think it is important to take an eye on the decoration... I love cakes with many details. At the first sight you see a well-done artwork, but after looking closley you are able to find more and more funny details, which shows you, that the artist takes time for he´s work, so you know you have an unique cake, personalized and not just a mass product...

It was a yummy chocolate cake with chocolate filling. The TV and the couch are small cakes to, I just wrapped them in fondant. I made the decorations a few days earlier, so that it was able to dry... I always try to have the whole decoration finished days before, because it protects me for getting in trouble on the day of delivery.

along these lines, 
sweet greets,

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Hello Kitty & Dear Daniel! 

Nobody kows "Dear Daniel"... but he is the best friend of "Hello Kitty".
Let´s say, he is the male version of "Hello Kitty", but not that popular...

I´ve been in Japan because of a job and there in Asia everybody knows "Dear Daniel" but in Europe everybody just love "Hello Kitty"...

Why, I really don´t now... perhaps this is a girls world...

"Hello Kitty cake"

...but besides that, this is one of many "Hello Kitty"-cakes. I created it for the little Marijeta from Split, to her second birthday.

I´ve already heard that she and her family enjoyed the cake!  

I would say, this cake is one of the easier jobs, but with a big effect. 

You just have to bake a square cake, fill it and cut the Kitty-face out. Finally decorate the Kitty with two eyes, a nose, whiskers and don´t forget the pink bow!!!    

...and perhaps... one time... I will make a "Dear-Daniel"-Cake...

along these lines,
sweet greets,

See more pictures: www.torte-split.com

Saturday, October 29, 2011


this is my torte-split.com blogspot...

I was born in Vienna/Austria and I'm living now in Split/Croatia.

Already in Vienna I was facinated from the boundless world of cakes and started to turn my passion for cakes into a business, which not only means doing a lot of cakes (experiences) but even all this paperwork...  
here in Split I´d like to excite the Croatians with my cakes as well...

I already have a website: www.torte-split.com , where you can have a look at my creations and of course you are able to order there... but here, I would like to spread gossip about my work...

along these lines,
sweet greets